Sunday, November 23, 2008

with a ribbon on it.


Summit Entertainment has just given the green light for New Moon!!!
So obviously we'll get Eclipse and Breaking Dawn too.
Twilight made $7 million in midnight sceenings alone in the US.

As all Malaysian Twilighters should know the movie is just a few days away.

27 November 2008.

But yet there's almost no advertisment about it. Have you seen any billboards? No right. But for other movies there seem to be signs/posters talking about it everywhere. It's as if Malaysian theatres don't think Twilight is important or big enough for them to waste money on.

How wrong they are. So many people I know love the book and can't wait for the movie to come out even though we all know it won't be as awesome as the book considering Edward climbs trees and moves around like a monkey in the movie.

There's even a website set up for all Malaysian Twilighters. It's mainly updated with new pictures or news or videos concerning Twilight but it does give you news of any Twilight related things that are happening in Malaysia.

Check it out *HERE*

P.S Tickets are not on sale yet. I think they go on sale tomorrow.

0 notes dropped: