Today was the second day of our Career 'Week'. I only signed up for the Journalism talk as wasn't very interested in Animation. Most people I knew either went for the Cardiologist or Money Matters talk. The talk was much more interesting that I expected it to be. Learned a fair bit more about the job as a journalist. Speaker was Niki Cheong who's a writer for the Star newspaper with a column out every forthnight titled "The Bangsar Boy". Journalism does seem like an interesting career choice but I probably wouldn't pick it as my first choice. Maybe I'll try freelancing sometime next time.
For tomorrow, skipping the first session as neither Film Direction, Architecture, Taking Chances nor being a Pilot piqued my interests. Am going for Food Buisness (Speaker is the guy who owns Delicious group of restaurants), Advertising (Speaker is Yasmin Ahmad, the person who directed Sepet) and Marketing (No idea who the speaker is). Should be an interesting series of talks tomorrow.
Also met our new Physics teacher today. He is............nice. He's also very soft spoken. He also looks WAY too young. Haha. Someone even said he looks younger than Head Prefect. Understanding his speech is going to prove a small obstacle as some of his pronounciation isn't very good. At one point me and Amanda were wondering why he kept saying fox and foxes all the time. Later realised that he meant force and forces. Oh well, maybe it's just first day nerves. Please get better with time!!! Physics is a subject where I do need to listen to teacher cause the textbook and notes don't really make sense all the time.
For tomorrow, skipping the first session as neither Film Direction, Architecture, Taking Chances nor being a Pilot piqued my interests. Am going for Food Buisness (Speaker is the guy who owns Delicious group of restaurants), Advertising (Speaker is Yasmin Ahmad, the person who directed Sepet) and Marketing (No idea who the speaker is). Should be an interesting series of talks tomorrow.
Also met our new Physics teacher today. He is............nice. He's also very soft spoken. He also looks WAY too young. Haha. Someone even said he looks younger than Head Prefect. Understanding his speech is going to prove a small obstacle as some of his pronounciation isn't very good. At one point me and Amanda were wondering why he kept saying fox and foxes all the time. Later realised that he meant force and forces. Oh well, maybe it's just first day nerves. Please get better with time!!! Physics is a subject where I do need to listen to teacher cause the textbook and notes don't really make sense all the time.
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