Monday, August 11, 2008

and now I wonder.

SPM 2008 timetable is out already!!!

My subjects are quite spread out over 3 weeks. Last paper is EST on November 27.


NS namelist is out. Not the official one apparently. And I can't get into the website cause I'm sure the rest of Malaysia is trying to get into the same website. Please please please please please don't let my name be on it.

The official list be out on Thursday in the papers.
So Form 5's, you'd better hope you don't get picked.

30 Hour Famine. We're only RM700 short of our goal which is RM30k. And we still have 15 cards left to collect. Everything seems to be going well so far. But once trials are over it's full focus on famine planning.

*Those attending the famine please stay back on wednesday till 4.30p.m. for a briefing. Important documents will be given out so if you can't make it please inform any one of the committee members(Puiyi, Melissa, Trixie, Nat & I).

0 notes dropped: