Wednesday, August 13, 2008

just a little bit.


Okay, not officially. But I only have EST 1 tomorrow so it's not a big deal.

And you know, the number of people who got picked for National Service(NS) is by far the largest I've ever heard of in our school. In my class alone, 14 people got picked. That's more than half cause 2 people in my class are underage so there were 25 people who could have got picked.

So far, I know about 20+ people who've gotten picked for NS. But according the Janice, the name list that's out is for all the batches. Not only first batch.

You know, I wouldn't really mind going for NS cause it sounds like quite an interesting experience. But it'll totally interrupt my study plans and my thinks I'm going to die if I go there(not surprising considering all the horror stories that are reported). She said that if I got chosen, she'lll ship me off overseas immediatly after SPM.

And if you find yourself having lots of time on your hands and have nothing to do. You should watch 'Xia Xue's Guide to Life', 'Chick vs. Dick' and 'Crack Comedy'. It's SUPER funny. Just go to youtube and search. Xiaxue(Singapore celebrity blogger) is way funny. The things she says is quite stupid at times and her opinion is very different. Chick vs. Dick is where Paul and Kaykay(all XX's friends) have a sort of battle of the sexes. They are very amusing to watch. Crack comedy is quite funny too.

Latest 'Crack Comedy'. I think the guy is very gay.

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