Monday, June 21, 2010


Went out with Jia Lik and Amanda to Sunway Pyramid today.

Watched Toy Story 3!!!!

It really is such a good movie. And while it's meant for kids, I would say more likely it's meant for the kids who watch Toy Story 1 & 2 so many years ago.

Some stuff in the movie is not so typical of children's movies cause I feel that the themes would be more understandable to those who are older.

The part about how Lotso turns into a dominating bitter bear just cause Daisy abandoned him and how he decides that since he can't be happy no one else can. The part where Barbie goes all scary on Ken or when she seems to intelligent when she talks about how Lotso is wrong in doing things. Spanish Buzz who gets jealous of how Jessie hugs Woody =P.

Haha. These are just some of the moments where I felt that kids wouldn't really get.

But yes it is definitely a must watch movie.

And prepare to cry or at least tear during the movie. At least once.

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