Wednesday, June 10, 2009

lost myself again.

I'm sure we all have the dream of entering Oxford or Cambridge. I mean, it would be so awesome to tell people that you're from Cambridge or Oxford right?

And yet you always hear of those brilliant all rounded students who don't get it. 

So what is really needed to get in?

Well apparently it's being able to answer the interview questions. Mind you, they aren't always the conventional type of questions.

Some examples below. I would totally freak if I got asked those questions.

Here is a piece of bark, please talk about it. (Biological sciences, Oxford.)

Are you cool? (Philosophy, politics and economics, Oxford.)

At what point is a person "dead"? (Medicine, Cambridge.)

Put a monetary value on this teapot. (Philosophy, politics and economics, Oxford.)

Why can't you light a candle in a spaceship? (Physics, Oxford.)

2 notes dropped:

Walking Disaster said...

Think they don't want booksmart asses like those so called smart straight As students of Malaysia who can't apply anything that's outside the subject matter...

Nick said...

I'd love to be asked those sort of questions. Give me a break from all the damned textbook answers, hahah. But admittedly I'd be hard pressed to mantain a monologue on those questions. That's not to say it wouldn't be fun though. XD