Wednesday, April 22, 2009

an end to it all.

She wasn't strong, she knew that. Stress was not something she dealt with well and the results of it today was obvious. Walking into class, she felt it already in her the tiredness that came from a lack of sleep, lack of food, and most of all, lack of understanding.

There were just too many things for her to do and so little time to do them. It wasn't her fault she didn't do well in the tests, it was just a result of having too many things on her platter. And yet he chose to condemn her as if she did nothing but party the night away not giving any thoughts to her studies. She did care, she just didn't have the time or energy to do so. It took a lot out of her to keep up with appearences, no one would ever know how she really felt inside about anything or anyone. Though she may seem happy-go-lucky and whatnot, there was a lot of other feelings in her that would be kept hidden till a time she finds someone with whom she could open up to.

All the bottled up feelings, lack of sleep and food combined with the slight heat that she felt could do no more but cause her to blackout.

It was not something that had happened before. But that could also be because she had never the stress get to her. Yet she allowed it this time, she was just too tired to fight it. All she wanted to do was tell the he that he won, that it proved that she was just as stupid, untalented, weak and useless as he perceived her to be.

She truly wished that someone would let that hypocrite know that he was putting too much pressure on her.

Sorry, just needed to vent.

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