Sunday, June 08, 2008

my pulse is flatlined.

Okay, basically if you see me with a huge ass bruise on my thigh, left arm and bits of skin peeled off on both my arms, I'm sure you'd pretty much be able to sum up the fact that either I'm super clumsy or I got into a fight. The answer is the latter. Most of the time I try to keep my cool in all situations and try to be the peacemaker. But I'm sure we all have our bitchy moments. And on Saturday I totally lost my cool.

The basic reason is that Weng Yan took the Roxy Summer Splash tickets and wouldn't give them to me. Reason being that since she can't go. Neither can I. So obviously I got freaking pissed at her since she took the tickets and hid them. And it's not like it was one ticket, I was going with a bunch of people and all their tickets were with me. So that's why the fight happened. Ultimately my mum intervened and made her give me the tickets.

Also, Weng Yan was pissed at me to begin with. Now that I think back to why she was angry at me I can't help but laugh as the reason is SO petty and stupid. You see, on Friday night she was watching Gossip Girl on my laptop. So around 1 I come into the room and tell her to switch the com off as I wanna sleep already. Logical right? But she threw a tantrum as she said that she only had one more episode to watch. And it wasn't like I wouldn't let her watch anymore. I totally told her that she could continue watching the next day. But noooooo she just had to be 'Miss the whole entire world should revolve around me'.

Now if you wanna know why she couldn't go for the Summer Splash is that she's grounded. Why? Cause she sneaked out on a date with a guy. Most of you should know who he is. My dad caught the two of them coming out of the cinema together and got really really really really mad. It's not so much the dating thing but rather she lied about who she was going out with. Her phone got confiscated too. So basically this is the event which has put her in a foul mood the entire freaking week.

What's more you know what she told my mum?? That I'm an alcoholic. Hahahahahahahahaha. She said that's the reason I'm so moody. Any person in my household can tell you that she's definitely more moody that me. So my mum now knows what happens at all the parties I go to and is pretty sceptical about ever letting me sleepover. Puh-lease, I totally know my limits so nothing ever happens with me at these parties.

On another note, Summer Splash wasn't as eventful as I though it'd be. Roxy totally gave the tickets away too easily so there were like a MILLION people there.

School starts tomorrow. Someone stop time please.

0 notes dropped: