Saturday, March 01, 2008

risk it all.

Went over to Melissa's house yesterday for some dinner thing. Aleena's band was playing so went to support them. After eating, walked around the area to the park and the lake which I never knew existed there. Nice weather for a walk. Luckily Melissa was always in front or we might have gotten lost. Here's an example of why we would get lost.

Puiyi: I'm leading so follow me. *She continues walking down the road.*
Aaron: No I'm leading! *Runs in front of Puiyi*
Melissa: If you two continue down the road it's a dead end.

Haha. Talk about blind leading the blind.

Later in the night when Paul had come, we as people who totally have no life at 12 midnight. Did stunts. They flew Puiyi, Aaron, Wuiyang, Paul and Carmen. I swear you should fly Wuiyang and look at his facial expression. Damn funny.

After everyone else went home with the exception of me, Puiyi and Carmen who were staying over, we stayed up till 3.30 talking, eating Maggi Mee and drinking. We totally slept too late seeing as it was almost impossible to wake Carmen and Puiyi up. Went to school for cheer where I obtained even more bruises from Carmen. I now have a total of 7 bruises on both my arms. With the worse on being on my wrist bone which I never knew was possible to bruise considering it's all bone.

Going to sleep now seeing as have church and cheer tomorrow. Just realised that I've been missing from church for almost a month.

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