Saturday, March 27, 2010


You know why those who go overseas at an earlier age usually do better in their studies?

No, it's not because they've learned to mature and take responsibility. It's mainly cause their parents aren't there.

How is that possible you ask? After all, most need parents to give them the push to actually study.

Read on and you'll understand.

How many of you have been forced to go out with your family before an exam. Despite you telling your parents that you want to stay at home to study, they tell you that you should take a break cause studying all the time isn't good. For most of us I'd believe, we get these moods where we're really gung ho about studying and parents interrupting is the one thing that can cause you to lose the studying drive.

On the other hand, you're done with studying and want to go out and have a nice dinner with your friends. What do your parents say about this? "Don't waste time, you should be studying". The irony is that if you hadn't gone out with your friends, your parents would have made you go out for dinner with the family. So ultimately your time is spent on something you didn't really want to just because your parents think that friends are not as important as family.

Just my opinion.

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