Saturday, November 13, 2010


Spent practically the entire day at Curve.

For what?

Laundry Festival.

No. It does not involve doing laundry okay =P.

It's actually a music festival where loads of local acts perform. Started as early as 2pm and goes on all the way till closing time.

Didn't actually watch everything since it was outdoors. So kept going in and out whenever it got too hot. Some acts were of course better than others. Overall it's nice to know that the music scene in Malaysia is alive and kicking.

Something that did cross my mind. How many people there were actually there to enjoy the music or were they just there to support a friend?

Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with supporting a friend. But what about the other acts? I mean, if you're only there to support your friend, it's likely that they'd go off after their friend's performance instead of staying on to catch the other acts.

It also means that only people with friends in the music business will be exposed to our local talent. Does that mean that those who don't happen to have friends in the scene will be deprived of the music? Word of mouth does work. To a certain extent I suppose.

Hmmm. Wonder whether this only happens in Malaysia?

4 notes dropped:

Anonymous said...

Hm, that's a good point Weng weng. I've heard that connections and contacts are really important if you want to make it in the music scene. I doubt it only happens in Malaysia but this is something interesting to look into, huh? But you're right, it's good to see Malaysia has a pretty active indie music scene and people seem supportive!

Caroline Tan said...

pam, the optimistic one =)

wengyee said...

Pam: Haha. Yeah, I guess no matter where you go it's always important to know the right people =).
Caroline: Of course she's optimistic, not like some people =P.

Walking Disaster said...

Haha that's a common thing here la.

But sometimes its sad.

Imagine you're up to perform next, and you see about 200 people out there. And when the band before you finishes, only 20 people left.