Thursday, September 02, 2010


I can honestly tell you that growing up I didn't question many things. I just went with the flow and took what life gave me.

But now, I can't help but question some things.

Like what people perceive education to be.


the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process [Merriam-Webster's dictionary]
the process of teaching or learning in school or college; or the knowledge you get from this [Cambridge dictionary]

Does anything in there even suggest that the meaning of education is

something you need to make more money so that you can have more power in this world?
a tool to make you feel that you are a class above those who don't have the same education as you?

In fact, the word education comes from the Latin term 'educere' which means to bring out. Basically to bring forth the potential that a person has within. Not to force knowledge onto people.

Yet the true meaning of education has been lost over the years. Now, it's just a numbers game. How many A's can you get, how much money can you earn after this.

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