Sunday, September 13, 2009

break even

Hmm. Here's a question that I'm sure all girls have asked their boyfriends at one point.

"If both your mother and I were drowning in the sea, who would you save?"

But seriously, what kind of answer would the girl expect?

If the guy were to say his mother. Pretty sure the girl would go "So you don't love me?"

Yet if he says he would save the girl, the reply would go like this "So family isn't important?"

Sigh. Complicated no?

Think you can come up with the perfect answer? Leave a comment.

Cause in fact I have heard of an answer that I deem to be the perfect solution.

2 notes dropped:

Walking Disaster said...

I'll save my mum.

I can only have one mother, but many girlfriends.

Nick said...

I should choose my girlfriend.

Reason 1: any girlfriend of mine would be someone I'd known for a long time and am sure of her character.

Reason 2: Triage. Youth ought not be sacrificed for the elderly.

Reason 3: It's possible the girl isn't a christian. I know my mum is going to heaven. The girl, I'm not sure.

Reason 4: I don't think my mum is so selfish as to have it any other way.