Saturday, December 29, 2007

misery buisness.

Since my sis is still hogging the camera with the Aussie pics in it.

Here are some random photos from my phone cause I'm bored right now.
Chemistry. Brown Ring done Nabil. *He was so proud of it.*
Very nice Chocolate cake at Mums friends sons wedding.
Pwetty no? From Shangri-la when I went there with Melissa, Trixie, Shan and later Aleena.
Chocolate. My reason for living.
Break at French class.
Mini M & M's.
Glory to God!!
It was a donation envelope. At Christmas Morning service.
Looks like a jambu.
Is actually an apple.

I realize that I like pictures of food.

What is everyones New Years Eve plans?

0 notes dropped: