Thursday, May 17, 2012


During exam time as a way of destressing I like to watch shows or movies that require little to no brain power. Haha. The more bimbotic the better I would say.

Usually my go to show is Jersey Shore. Judge me if you will but each episode is just forty minutes of entertaining drama where I don't need to think at all. But seeing as I've already watched all available episodes, I had to find something new.

So I turned to Sex and the City. The movie. Ended up watching the sequel as well.

Needless to say, I loved both of it. Yes the sequel had the worst storyline ever. But the clothes more than made up for it. Oh to have such a glamorous wardrobe.

Back to the point of this post.

I think Carrie Bradshaw at the end of the movie is exactly where I could only hope to be.

Watching a black and white movie with the man she loves.
In a marriage where they both agree not to have kids.
Making a living from writing.
With a close knit group of friends.

What dreams. 

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