Thursday, May 13, 2010


There's nothing I like better than sitting in my bed with a good book on a rainy day. I like the feel of holding the book in my hands, the feel of paper as I turn the page and the satisfying sense of completion as I close the book and put it down on my bedside table.

As much as I love books, I can't help but feel that with time books are going to be a thing of the past. People no longer want to buy bulky books that only seem to take up space at home or add weight to their luggage when they travel.

Amazon's Kindle is becoming more and more popular and after reading about it, I can see why. Although the Kindle DX costs $489, it can store up to 3,500 books. That's only around $.10 per book. A pretty good deal right? That's if you only download the free books which are mainly older books like the classics. However, if you do want to buy the new books, it's still cheaper to get it on Kindle than it is to buy it at a bookstore.

So yeah, an increasing number of people opt to get Kindle since it's easy to carry around and you can store so much in it.

What do I think about it?

Yeah sure I think I'd eventually find myself buying a Kindle but no matter how realistic they try to make the ebook read, nothing will ever beat a good old fashioned book.

But for now, I like how I can download free books and read them on my laptop using Kindle for Mac =D. There's just so much out there. A good website if you want to read free books, is *FEEDBOOKS* They have loads of good stuff to read. Dante's Divine Comedy, Freud's Dream Psychology, Grimm's Fairy Tales...

Yay for free books!

2 notes dropped:

Anonymous said...

haha you should take a look at the header of this blog

wengyee said...

haha adibah. the header is so true. although i still remember paper and how it cuts =( me, i can't imagine a time when i didn't blog.