Friday, January 07, 2011


Too many fairytales in my head.

Delete them?

Or hope someone will make them come true?

4 notes dropped:

Nick said...

Delete! And then delete it in the recycling bin and reformat your hard drive.

But I think you'll never do that. The romantic deep down inside you won't allow it. She's probably bruised, cut up and altogether rather bedraggled, but there nonetheless. Hahah.

And yes, I still frequent your blog.

wengyee said...

Yeah I don't think I ever will. It's like a virus that has infected my system so deeply I'll never be able to get rid of it.

Haha. How come you don't blog anymore?

Nick said...

Sheer laziness. If you like I could resurrect it, but only after exams. Heh...

Still, I noticed you coloured 'delete' green and 'hope' red. Maybe you subconsciously view hope negatively and think it's safer to delete!!! Or I'm overanalysing. Hmm. Tests...

wengyee said...

Yes do please continue blogging =). There aren't enough blogs out there for me to read. Twitter and tumblr and formspring all don't quite hold my interest.

Ah...good observation. The realist in me does agree that hope is bad! But can't help it. The romantic has been in me far longer and thus wins over the realist. Haha.