Thursday, April 15, 2010


I'd always been a great lover of books.

I've read plenty of books over time and always loved getting lost in the stories. It's like time would pass by so fast when you're immersed in some one else's story.

But since A-levels started, I think I'd kinda lost the reading habit. All story books that I seem to have read were just for lit class. Books were no longer an escape from dreary reality. Instead, books were meant to be read over and over again so that I can analyse the character, the setting, the tone blah blah blah.

I mean, I don't think I've read as many books as I used to (fanfiction doesn't count). Haha.

Yet today, I rediscovered the marvelous world of fiction =D. Borrowed this book from the college library and it's pretty good so far. It's called "The Last Concubine".

So yeah, yay for finding good books again. And I just bought two more books (The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest and Lord Sunday). Two books that I expect to be really good. Looks like I've found my reading drive again =).

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