Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Just a little something that I wanna talk about.

Couples who celebrate anniversaries.

No offense meant here but just my two cents.

I know I find it weird that some couple celebrate their anniversaries ALL the time. One month, 6 months or 1 year anniversaries are okay. But don't you think it gets kinda weird when people start having 88 days or 5 months or 1 year 1 month 1 day anniversaries??

Honestly I think most people celebrate anniversaries cause they wanna use it as an excuse to dress up and go for a fancy dinner. Or even just so that their significant other will buy them a present that 'means something'.

Should I ever get myself into a relationship, anniversaries will not be the "YES!! We've made it this far!!" event but the "THANK YOU!! You have made my life that much happier."

0 notes dropped: