Friday, September 25, 2009


Hmm, not sure whether people out there know but there's this TV series called Dollhouse.

It's about this organization that produce "Dolls" who are basically normal people who have had their memories wiped so that they can be programmed with a desired personality. So if you wanna hire an assassin then they'll program one for you and so forth. Quite an interesting series.

But that's beside the point.

The point is that I've found out that there is actually a company similar to this series in reality.

In Japan, there's a company called Hagemashi Tai a.k.a I Want to Cheer Up Limited.

You can 'rent' pets which you can take for walks and stuff if you want. About $10 an hour. That's just for pets though. You can also rent people. Cool right? You can rent actors to pretend to be your relative at a wedding or funeral. Or even for single mums who need a father figure for their kids or for young women who wanna experience a 'marriage'. Yup.

Two articles about it *HERE* and *HERE*

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