Tuesday, October 07, 2008

just anti everything.

Wanna know something I've just found out!?

That Draco Malfoy did NOT marry Pansy Parkinson as I thought.

Instead, J.K Rowling made up this completely new character who I've not read of in the 7 FREAKING books!!

Weng Yan came and asked me whether there was an Astoria Greengrass mentioned in the books because on her RP site Astoria is listed as a canon(meaning not made up but straight from the author) character who was married to Draco Malfoy.

I'm not an crazy HP fan but I have read the books a couple of times and never come across this name. But Google has proved me wrong. Apparently J.K Rowling said she didn't want Draco to marry Pansy so she made up a completely UNHEARD of character to be his wife.

Haha. This is such an out of topic post considering I have Add. Maths and Chem tomorrow but here I am blogging about Harry Potter.

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