Last week of secondary school life. After this is two weeks of study leave before the day comes.
November 11. The start.
November 27. The end.
It also means all the trials results are coming back this week. No, I don't ecpect much from the results considering I didn't study. Didn't work even 1/10 of how much some people in my class have worked.
Surprised to hear that I don't study? If you are, then you obviously don't know me that well. Those who do would realize that I'm not bothered by this exam stress thing that seems to affect everyone so badly. Let's just say this 'attitude' of mine started a long long time ago.
You see, one faithful day sometime when I was in primary 3, I realized that why should I bother so much trying to do well when even if I get 90 I get yelled at. 100 is always the goal. Fail to meet the goal and well, you don't really want to know. So I decided that I might as well get the same scolding/punishment while enjoying myself before exams instead of slaving away for good marks when only perfection is suffice.
So yeah, I guess this has carried on till today. But I do intend to work hard for SPM itself. After all, I did work hard for PMR. Major exams are still worth the effort. Minor exams? Not so important. Do not intend to stress and lose sleep over these things. My brain cells do not want to die early and sleeping too little will shorten your lifespan.
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