Tuesday, March 08, 2011


The Japanese are seriously a strange bunch of people.

It's like "How exactly do their minds work?".

First they come up with movies like "Strange Circus".

Even the poster creeps me out.

Can't exactly tell you what it's about. But if you thought Inception played with your mind, you have not watched Strange Circus. Not only does it play mind tricks, it has loads of other elements that make it a bit difficult to watch. You definitely need a strong stomach for it. Nonetheless, it was a pretty good movie.

Next they come up with something called the "Menstruation Machine".

So for all the guys who don't understand why girls whine about the pain and uncomfortableness of having their period, this is for you.

It basically simulates a typical 5 day cycle. With all the blood and cramps. While it may not compare to actually having your period, I'd say it'd at least give guys a good gauge of what we have to go through.

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