Monday, September 27, 2010


Would you rather step into a place that is so familiar you know it like the back of your hand?

Or perhaps into a foreign place where you know not what to expect?

While some people cling to what's familiar, others are always seeking a new adventure elsewhere.

As for me? I'm torn between both. There are times where all I want to do is keep to what I know. That I'm prepared for pretty much everything that comes my way seeing as nothing can surprise me. Yet there are times when I wanna do things that I wouldn't have thought of doing before just to experience something new.

Most of the time, I compensate. Like when I wanted to cut my hair short. I was actually thinking of it really short as in pixie cut. But when the time came, I just had it cut to chin length.

Sigh. I feel like there are two people living inside me. Though not in an MPD way.

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