Saturday, February 20, 2010


"Friends are the family we choose for ourselves"
~ Edna Buchanan

Maybe not all of you would agree with this quote but I do. It's not that I particularly dislike my family, but it's those few friends of mine that have made life just that much more bearable.

I've always considered myself quite lucky when it comes to making friends. It's like at every new chapter of my life, I make a few good friends whom I'm pretty sure I'd still be talking to 10 years from now.

The problem is that time passes way too fast. Everybody is slowly going their own separate ways =(. Last year it was Trixie and Jia. Now, in a few hours time Melissa is flying off to Australia. Before you realise, everybody has gone off to uni and then we only get to see each other once or twice a year when we're all back in Malaysia.

Soon enough, you'll be getting wedding invitations. Gah. Feeling so old seeing as this is our last year of being a teenager.

0 notes dropped: