Sunday, February 10, 2008

still don't understand.

Just got back from Ipoh. Surprisingly, going there and back was a smooth journey. Unlike last year where it took 4 hours to get there, this year the roads were pretty empty so got there in the usual two hours. As usual, all I did was eat, sleep, eat some more and watch TV. I swear I overdose on vitamin C every chinese new year. The amount of mandarin oranges I eat during CNY is more than the amount of normal oranges I eat in year. Wouldn't be surprised if I'm like 50kg now. But school starts on wednesday, and by saturday all the weight should have gone.

So on the first day did the usual visiting. Though this year's CNY is much quieter than usual. Almost all my relatives on my mum's side didn't come back seeing as my grandad was supposed to go to jakarta and stay with my aunty. In the end he didn't but by then everyone had made plans. So this year's new year was pretty uneventful.

Happy Chinese New Year

P.S 100th post!!!

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